Monday, October 17, 2011

Speak Now

I found my old journal the other night before I went to bed. This wasn't just a journal I used to write daily logs in, but it was just a journal that I kept words of wisdom. Whenever I heard something that was meaningful to me at the time, I wrote it in that journal. If I listened to a sermon and I enjoyed something the Pastor said, I would jot it down in my journal. In the back of my journal, is a hidden pocket.. and in it I kept things that meant something special to me... one of them being a piece of paper my Grandfather gave me at one of his first book signings, the small paper read... "Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong, Sorrows keep you human, Success keeps you glowing, God keeps you going." Since that day, I kept those words close to my heart, in losing my grandma especially. 

When I looked through my journal I scanned through dozens of quotes and came across one that made me smile, and I figured I would share...

"Real life is a funny thing you know, in real life saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial in fact that most of us start to hesitate for the fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I've begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything at all. I think you deserve to look back on your life without this chorus of resounding voices saying, 'I could have, but now it's too late.' So there's a time for silence, and there's a time for waiting your turn... But if you know how you feel and you clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it, and I don't think you should wait... I think you should Speak Now." -Taylor Swift

I really think this quote explains where I am in life right now. Days pass and moments end without me noticing that life is passing me by. Sometimes I hold my tongue, sometimes I let a moment pass without saying how I feel... and then the moment is gone. The crazy thing about life though, is that it keeps on going... it doesn't stop for anyone. We can't pause moments of happiness, or fast-forward through painful ones. There is no re-dos, or skip aheads... there is only now. God doesn't promise us a full life here on earth, he doesn't even guarantee us another day, or even another moment. We've heard a million times over and over again, "Live like your dying"... yet we continue to live without actually living. In the end, we look back and not forward... we look back at our lives and what we did. We all want to believe that we are leaving something good behind, we want to believe that it all mattered. A life without God doesn't matter... This inspires me to live everyday in thanks, for it is by the grace of God that I breathe each breath. 



  1. Love this, Love you, Love T. Swifts quote, Love God

  2. Hahahah I love you Kd this comment just made my whole week lol
