Tuesday, October 11, 2011

just keep going

I can already feel the busy-ness of this week getting to me. I love keeping my mind occupied and busy with people that I enjoy hanging out with, but I also HATE being too busy. But tonight was a good way to enjoy some relaxing time before this crazy week. I spent some one on one time with Sarah which I hadn't done in a really long time so I really missed it.

Today was an overall pretty good day, went out to lunch with some friends today at the new Chipotle by school and Kd invited Patrick, one of Aaron's friends. Even though I have known Patrick before Aaron ever did, I knew that they are close now and I just felt a little weird about it. I kept a good distance because honestly I wanted to respect Aaron and who he is close with because I would want the same from him. It has been a little hard for me lately because some of Aaron and I's friends clash... so its difficult, but I want to respect him and who he is close with.

Tomorrow I am going to Knott's, which will be interesting but fun... then Friday I am headed to Pepperdine University at 4:30 in the morning, oh joy lol

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