Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stepping Stones

I feel as if I have been blessed to a great extent, with great moments. I have been thinking a lot about change and I remembered a quote written by John Steinback where he said, "Change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass." In reading this quote in my journal, I ask myself a question I have heard before: "What measure of time does it take to change a life?" Is it in a day? A year? or within a single moment?

Looking at my life and my past, I find the stepping stones it took to get me where I am today. Some of those steps weren't easy, some of them I never paid any attention too... but all of them brought me to this step of where I am right now. Charles Bukowski once said, "Some moments are nice, some are nicer, and some are even worth writing about." I write because it is my passion, I write because it is something that God gave me, and with that I do it to bring glory to Him. And looking at my life right now, I couldn't be more thankful for the blessings he has placed in my hands. He has gifted me with new friendships, an extraordinary family, uncontrollable happiness, and unbounded faith.

As I look at my life and what he has blessed me with... I feel overwhelmed. I feel as if my words can't comprehend my happiness, and that no matter how I try and explain my contentment... it just doesn't cover it. God changed my life... and the time in which he did, is immeasurable and when he did so, he gave me moments worth writing about.

One of the many beautiful sunsets God designed.

Left me speechless.

Cold Rainy Day  <3


Rain :)

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