Thursday, November 10, 2011

A few of my Favorite things

Got the idea from a friend to write out a list of my favorite things... and I have SO many... but I kept it down to 40 ;)

1. God
2. Sunrises and Sunsets
3. Apple Candles
4. Iced Caramel Macciato on a warm day.
5. Little surprises
6. Gardenia Flower Bushes
7. Owls
8. Nail Polish :)
9. All kinds of chocolate
10. Writing quotes in my journal
11. Driving with the windows down, during the day AND at night (with the heater on, if its cold)
12. A good Song
13. Spending hours at the piano trying to figure out a song, and then the feeling I get when I get it down.
14. Christmas music, both listening to it and playing it.
15. When people surprise me with little things.
16. Getting presents for people.
17. Smiling
18. Making someone laugh.
19. Waking up to a "Good Morning" text :)
20. Holding Hands <3
21. Watching movies on rainy days
22. Making funny videos with Kathleen Diane Horne
23. The California Coffee House Dessert Drinks
24. Baking
25. When my parents cook amazing food, which is like.... every night.
26. Getting emails from my Grandfather
27. Seeing God in little moments.
28. Giving advice
29. Hearing what my Dad has to say about situations in my life.
30. When my mom is in a bubbly mood.
31. When I get phone calls from my nieces.
32. Photography
33. Laying under the stars, bundled in blankets.
34. Getting lost in a book, and seeing the world through that specific novel.
35. God's surprises in life.
36. When someone proves me wrong.
37. Prayer and worship music.
38. Antique and Thrift Stores
39. Coffee.. iced, hot, black, sweetened... I love it all.
40. Quality time with people.

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