Friday, October 21, 2011

A Woman After God's Own Heart

I am finishing off a busy school week with some peace and quiet in my own room. As I laid in my bed and tried to translate my thoughts and make sense of this past week, I asked God what he wants of me. Lately, He has surrounded me with wonderful people with a passion and love for God... but something was still missing and it was my own personal study. As much as I was trying to just read straight from the bible, I found it hard to stay accountable.

As I laid on my bed mid-conversation with God, I got up and walked to my bookshelf where my eyes led me to a study book that I never actually started. Three study books compiled into one book... and the first titled: A Woman After God's Own Heart. I smiled, and found myself down memory lane.

Some of my beautiful Campers :)

This past Summer, I was asked by my Pastor if I wanted to be a Junior High counselor at Hume Lake Christian Camps, a camp I had attended throughout High School. Prior to this, I asked God to open some doors for me, and he surprised me with this one. Going out of my comfort zone, I counseled 7 girls and I had one of the best times... And during that week we studied David and how he was a man after God's own heart. I could go on and on and on about David and how he changed my life, but that will be another post... :)

When I opened the study book, I didn't know what to expect... God has been surprising me a lot lately, throwing my curveballs and making sure I am paying attention. Sometimes, I think our God has a sense of humor because he gets my attention in the most entertaining ways. I had been so caught up in the world this past year, trying to be good, trying to be better, trying to be the best... basically, setting myself up for failure.

When I read the first chapter of my study tonight it was about a heart devoted to God and what that takes. It is a daily commitment, a daily battle... a constant practice. When reaching the end of the study, I read the words, "Good, better, best, never let it rest... until your good is better and your better, best." 

My heart just burned inside my chest and I just felt God in my presence and it was just so powerful and I didn't want the moment to leave. So why should it have to? Why should we only have those rare moments with God.... why can't we feel that throughout our day, what is stopping us? Nothing ... nothing besides the devil and our own beings.

I encourage you this week, or even just for a day. Commit yourself, give your day to him and see what he does with your words, your actions, and your heart <3

In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul says to "offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." Today, I present my body as a living sacrafice... and pray that God will use me according to his will.

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