About Me.

Full Name: Julia Frances Callahan
Age: Twenty One

Food: Sushi, Chicken Pot Pie, or Chinese Food.
Drink: hot caramel macchiato
Color: Purple
Flower: sunflowers or gardenias. 
Thing to do: Writing & Music, Snuggling & Movies
Candy: Mr. Goodbar or Reese's
Day of the Week: Thursday or Friday
Season: Winter or Summer
Month: Decemeber
Childhood Memory: Going to Toys R Us with my Grandma or Decorating the Christmas Tree with my Family.


{Fun Facts}
1. I LOVE nail-polish.
2. I am a believer in God.
3. I have played piano for about seven years.
4. I love owls O.O and collect them in memory of my Grandma.
5. I can secretly sing opera.....don't ask.
6. I love small surprises.
7. Coffee is my sleep substitution
8. I've never tried a twinkie.. and now hostess is out of business I am screwed.
9. Writing is my way of serving the Lord, it is my passion that he has given me. 
10. One of my favorite things to do if I am in an off mood, is to drive with the windows down listening to good music, with coffee in hand :)