Wednesday, February 2, 2011


INSPIRATION is one of the greatest things in life to experience. Whether you get inspired by a piece of art, a song, a movie, or simply the world around you. We all experience those moments of inspiration, those moments where you look deeper and grasp the moment to more of an extent than normal. This week, I've learned a few new things that have inspired me. Last week, I met a girl in my math class at school. She happened to take the open seat next to me and start up a conversation...her name is Allie. From the moment we started talking, something between us just clicked. Over different occasions we have learned more about each other and actually discovered we have a world of similarities! We are two different people, but the more we talk the more we find it common! This week, just being around her she has inspired me to be more positive and to smile more, because a smile changes your attitude even if its forced...and a smile can change someone else's attitude. I know that God performs miracles, and sometimes people think that all miracles involve something miraculous happening...but God performed a miracle when he left an open seat next to me in class... because he gave me a new friend, a genuine friend. I think in life we focus too much on the bad things and what we are doing wrong, and lately I've been able to see the things I'm blessed with and thats the life I get to live.
I'm going to be more like my grandma who--despite her sickness--always had a smile to give and had the strength to warm someones heart.
Today and this week, I challenge you to see the better part of this life and smile more, and SMILE WITH A PURPOSE.
Have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Julia!!!! you are such an inspiring person to me as well. you have shown me what i have been missing in my life and that is the power of god and the way he works in such mysterious ways. He is absolutely amazing and i never really understood that until you introduced it to me. I feel as though everyday we spend together we will realize how much we really do have in common and how you are truly a soul sister. You make me want to smile. Smiling doesn't always come easy to me but it it pretty much keeps me going through the good times and the bad. I think it is absolutely insane that our grandmas are so different and yet so similiar. Her symbol is Owls and my grandmothers was teddy bears. I think it is even greater that they both have a deep and similiar meaning to them both. That our grandmas will "Owl always be there." Like a teddy bear will always be there unless you get rid of it. I can't wait for what the future holds for our friendship, but a week ago I would have never found out if God didn't give me the opportunity to sit next to you in math. You are such an amazing person! Always remember that.
