Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 1 & 2 of Thankfulness

So, I know I am one day late but I really love the idea of expressing something your thankful for every day in the month of November. Since I missed yesterday, I'll do TWO today.

Today, I am thankful for my parents.
My Mom has a givers heart and has a passion for loving and caring for others. Her hospitality and creativeness have both created a beautiful, warming home, but also an even more beautiful and welcoming family. Sometimes, I don't give her enough credit for all she has been through in her lifetime. I have been blessed from the day I was born with nothing but goodness & open arms, something she wasn't always blessed with.

My Dad is someone I will always look up to. All the times he gave me advice that I turned my back on, he held and comforted me when I was wrong without saying "I told you so." All those things he told me not to do that I did anyway, he never judged or loved me any less...instead he accepted every wrong decision with his bear hugs. I can tell you one thing about my dad, he's the best man I've ever known and after a bad day, his hugs some how just make the small things seem a little less important.

Both of these people have molded me into who I am today. I'll always be thankful for what they have done and given me. Above all, they never stopped loving me and forever I will be grateful for that. 

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