Sunday, February 6, 2011

Running to Stand Still.

John Steinbeck once wrote, "Change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like a stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass." Change. This idea of transformation or alteration to something new. Adaption, the idea of getting used to some sort of change or adjustment. I think that we all reach a point in our lives where change happens, necessary or not. Just like the weather for every season, change is a part of life and there's no changing how life happens. The greatest part about change, and John Steinbeck stated it greatly in his quote...Change happens a little at a time, and sneaks up on us hidden in our every day lives. I know that sometimes its easy to feel like we are the only ones who are struggling, or who are going through trials. Its so easy to give up and give in to our own unhappiness, and trust me I know the feeling greatly. There's two ways to look at the change happening in your life. You can look down upon it, feel sorry for yourself and wait for something to happen in your favor...or you can let that gentle wind take you where you need to go, because change doesn't always feel beneficial or positive...or maybe it even feels like there is change going on all around us and we are simply running to stand still. Nothing is ever simple, and not everything is easy in life... but how would we recognize the greatest moments in life it they were always that great?....we wouldn't. So even in the hard days, the lazy days, happy days, and even those days where you feel so sorry for yourself... recognize that there's always something around the corner, and good or bad... let the wind take you, embrace change don't run away from it...because you'll be running from opportunity and you'll end up running just to stand still.


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