Friday, February 11, 2011


Leo Tolstoy said it best when he said, "If you want to be happy, be." These past couple weeks, I have focused too much on the things that made me unhappy. Naturally, I am a very energetic and happy person...I like helping people and doing things that I love. Lately, I've also lost my independence and was leaning on Aaron too much that he could i've been finding some "me" time. In case I haven't mentioned it before, I love nail polish...It's probably the top of my fetish list :)
These are probably about 20 of my 80+ polishes :)

My new owl ring and bright royal blue polish.

This week, I also stumbled upon an owl ring and I HAD to get it. Although its a little different for me not talking to Aaron all the time and not spending every night with him, it's what he needs and in the end, it'll be really good for us. In fact, we even went to church last night for the first time in a really long time and it was such a wonderful time. Tomorrow morning I start up my bible study again with a few girls and hope it goes well!!

Hope all is well :)


  1. Hi Julia! I noticed that you are a new follower of my blog, so now I'm a new follower of yours! I have to be honest I have an obsession with nail polish/manicures/pedis too! I also love your owl ring, super cute! My little sis loves owls and I know she would love it too. The other day I bought a new cross ring...I may have to blog about it. lol. Have a great day and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. Hi Brittany! That's great I am so excited to be blog friends ;)
    I do indeed have an obsession with nail polishes, I need to organize them all and take a picture of them all. I got my owl ring randomly at a place called Z Gallery, it was a great find!
    I look forward to your posts!! :)
