Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Do you ever feel like God put music into our lives to benefit us in every way possible? On the best of days a great song can only boost the day to an even greater limit... and on not so great days, the perfect song somehow helps you cope or understand your emotions. Sometimes music is the thing that heals us all, sometimes music is what helps us put into words what we can't seem to understand. It reassures us that we aren't alone in this lonely world. 
Having a bad day? Make a playlist on your phone or Ipod, put in your earphones before bed and just let the lyrics heal you, or help you.

Having a great day? Listen to a great song before bed... it gives it the ending it deserves.

Music can take you back to places or people in your life if you allow it to.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Remember December.

Every girl deserves a guy that will fight for her.
Recently, I saw a movie called "How do you know" with Reese Witherspoon and Owen Wilson. Although it ended up being a bit of a disappointing movie, I took something really important away from it.
If you know me, you know that I am a sensitive and sometimes worrisome person, its just who I am and it doesn't matter who you are but you can't change that part of me. There is a scene in this movie when a man is purposing to a woman and his speech almost made me cry. He said all the right things, and most importantly he stated that he wouldn't ever want her to end up with someone that couldn't understand and treasure her sensitivity or worried personality because those things made him love her even more, that it was because she had such a HUGE heart why she was these things.
Every girl deserves to be loved, and to be treasured for everything they are. Because girls, as they all are... put themselves down and after time feel worthless. Every girl deserves the world, and as there is a man out there than is made for each girl...no man can completely fulfill the heart of a woman...that is up to God.
This is my challenge for myself as the week goes on, figure out what GOD wants for me... because he is the only man that has a say in my plan.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Enjoy the Show.

So today above all else, has been overwhelming. You know those days when you wake up and just feel like the day doesn't feel right, as if you woke up to a message in your head saying, "Prepare yourself, because nothing will go your way today." You know lately I have found myself in so many different places. Sometimes, I feel like my life is going the right direction and another day I will feel like I'm doing it all wrong. Life is interesting in the way that, a day can change a lot of things...and every choice determines the road you go down. Today, I've learned that even in the midst of an off day, and when things couldn't seem to go my way, there isn't anything I can do besides sit back and enjoy the show. And the days where I find myself picking out every little thing that could possibly go wrong, at the end of the day... I have my family, I have my friends, I have my wonderful boyfriend, and above all else...I have my God, and sometimes you don't realize how much it means to have a God that stands by you through every moment good and bad, but each day I come back to his open arms and he leads me back home to where I belong. Sweet Dreams all <3


Here is a song that went perfectly with my day, check it out:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

tis the season.

I thought it was time to upload some pictures from my birthday dinner. Although I really loved my outfit from that night, I didn't seem to get enough pictures! That mistake, happens much too often. The picture all the way to the left is all the ladies: my brother's girlfriend, myself, my mother and niece, and lastly my sister. The center picture is me and Aaron, and the last is my parents and my brother.
Although its inching closer to Christmas everyday, school ending with all my finals makes me more stressed than anything.
I wish you all the best week!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Life: such a little word for a big concept.

Life is a funny thing you know. Full of ups and downs and surprises around every corner. Full of people we can so easily figure out and understand, and the ones who are shaded and preserved. There's the people we find extremely irritable either because of who they are or because we can't seem to understand why they are that way. Life, is hardly defined by words and very rarely given justice through our actions. The funny thing about life, is the change that develops over time. I guess change is ordinary and a part of the process...but sometimes change hurts.. Sometimes change is what may break us, and for the lucky ones it's simply a bend in the road. I'd like to think that one day I'll look back on my life and think that it all mattered somehow, that the change over the decades came to be a great destination. I'd like to believe that there is a reason for change, or theres a reason for life in general. I guess thats what everyone looks for, something to believe in. People look for it everyday, whether they are aware of it or not, we all just want something to believe in. Along the line, we all figure out that this life isn't something we should take lightly or too heavily. Somewhere along the line we realize we weren't meant to be alone, and we were all meant to believe in something. And the funny thing is, God is both of those things. God never leaves us alone and always gives us something to believe in...Life's a funny thing, isn't it?

xoxo: Jewels

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Speak Now.

I recently watched a special on NBC on Taylor Swift and her new album. She is one of my favorite artists and she said something that has really made me think:
"Real life is a funny thing you know, in real life saying the right thing at the right moment is beyond crucial. So crucial in fact that most of us start to hesitate for the fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But lately what I've begun to fear more than that is letting the moment pass without saying anything. I think you deserve to look back on your life without this chorus of resonding voices saying, "I could have, but its too late." So theres a time for silence, and theres a time for waiting your turn...But if you know how you feel and you clearly know what you need to say, you'll know it, I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now."
Lately, I've had problems with saying how I feel. I'm not the type of person to always express whats going on in my mind or my heart. I've always been the type to hold it all in so the only person to judge me is myself and God. But this quote has reminded me that I cannot let time and moments pass me by without acknowledging them or saying how I feel. It's my goal these next couple weeks, not to stay quite, but instead step out of my box and Speak Now.