Monday, November 14, 2011

I See the Light.

The past few days have been incredible for me. After the rain passed through, it left a cleansing feeling for me. I always love days after storms, or mornings after rain because everything just looks better. As I was driving home the other morning, I literally stopped my car on my road and just let the scenery sink in. All the golden-brown leaves had fallen onto the street, and the sun was at the perfect point in the sky. I just sat there and just said thank you to the Creator of this beautiful place.

Following a relaxing morning of watching my nieces, I went to meet Kd for some coffee and time to do our nails. It was really nice to just spend the afternoon together catching up. I told her how excited I was for the night that followed. When I got home, I helped my mom prepare dinner and made some delicious pumpkin bread for my movie night with Cory. It was also really great because it was our traditional Callahan tamale night :) After Cory arrived, we just hung out with the family and watched the football game. It was a really relaxing afternoon and dinner where my family got to get to know Cory a little bit. Following the football game, I was lucky enough to watch one of my favorite Disney movies, Tangled :) I had the best night spending quality time with my family and getting to know someone I've been spending more and more time with. 

After spending the day at work with Kristen, I feel so refreshed for the week ahead of me. We spent the day working on the same project and laughing at each other and it was really good to spend some time with her. We laugh at the most ridiculous stuff and take embarrassing pictures of each other, like she did of me when I looked like a total nerd when I was trying to concentrate. 

Afternoon babysitting with Kristen.

Nerd Alert.

Although I didn't even have to post the picture, I take pride in embarrassing moments and pictures. I finished off my day with homework and baking cookies with Sarah :) we caught up on some classic girl talk and laughed at ourselves as we made fun of each other. Now, I am just relaxing in my room listening to a sermon from Hume on trust. 

Thank you God for what you are doing in my life.
Thank you for having a plan.
Thank you for helping me understand that your plan is better than mine. 
Thank You. 

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