Friday, February 17, 2012

dei gratia

How is it, that one person can affect us so much? Think about it, something as little as someone opening the door for you can point your day and attitude in a better direction. When someone acts negatively towards us whether it be something small like getting cut off when driving or something greater. We don't really pay attention to the fact that one person can impact our attitude, our day, our views, how we talk, and how we treat people, and even our lives.

Lately, I've experienced this in such a positive way. About three months ago, when Cory walked into my life I had no clue what God was doing. And now, after spending almost every day together I know exactly why God placed him in my life. He's someone I can share my love for God with, my passion, my struggles, my happiness, and myself. I find my happiness magnified, my attitude changed, and my view on life different. He is someone that has impacted my life in such a short time and in such a positive way. I get to grow with someone and watch them grow in their own way. Even in the past 3 months I've seen how much Cory has grown in life and how much he has helped me grown. He is someone who encourages me and builds me up...and the life that I am experiencing is almost impossible to describe. My excitement and happiness is unable to be put to words, and that has never happened to me before.

I have always had the ability to use words to express feeling. There hasn't been a time in my life where I have experience something too great and too wonderful that I just cannot simply explain, until now... and I think that's how love should be. God's love for us was so strong that it wasn't through words, but in actions when he sent his only son to hang on a cross where He died and through his actions he demonstrated the greatest love that will ever exsist. I feel so blessed....with the love of my Creator, the love of my family, and now the love of a man that makes me a better person. I may not be able to put it to words, but I know that I am forever thankful to be abundantly blessed in this life... all by the grace of God.

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